Source code for lime.observations

import logging
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path
from import fits
from collections import UserDict

from .tools import unit_conversion, define_masks, extract_fluxes, normalize_fluxes, ProgressBar, check_units, au, extract_wcs_header

from .recognition import LineFinder, DetectionInference
from .plots import SpectrumFigures, SampleFigures, CubeFigures
from .plots_interactive import SpectrumCheck, CubeCheck, SampleCheck
from .io import _LOG_EXPORT_RECARR, save_frame, LiMe_Error, check_file_dataframe, _PARENT_BANDS, \
    check_file_array_mask, load_frame

from .read_fits import OpenFits, SPECTRUM_FITS_PARAMS
from .transitions import Line, latex_from_label, air_to_vacuum_function
from .workflow import SpecTreatment, CubeTreatment
from . import Error, __version__

# Log variable
_logger = logging.getLogger('LiMe')

    import mplcursors
    mplcursors_check = True
except ImportError:
    mplcursors_check = False

if mplcursors_check:
    from mplcursors._mplcursors import _default_annotation_kwargs as popupProps
    popupProps['bbox']['alpha'] = 0.9

def review_sample_levels(log, id_name, file_name, id_level="id", file_level="file", line_level="line"):

    # If single index we make 2 [id, file, line] or 3 [id, line]
    # If multi-index, we don't do anything

    # Check if multi-index dataframe
    if not isinstance(log.index, pd.MultiIndex):

        # Name line level = line_level

        # Add id level
        log[id_level] = id_name
        log.set_index(id_level, append=True, inplace=True)

        # Add file level
        if file_name is not None:
            log[file_level] = file_name
            log.set_index(file_level, append=True, inplace=True)

        # Sort to the default order
        user_levels = [id_level, line_level] if file_name is None else [id_level, file_level, line_level]
        log = log.reorder_levels(user_levels)

    return log

def check_inputs_arrays(wave, flux, err_flux, lime_object):

    for i, items in enumerate(locals().items()):

        if i < 3:

            key, value = items
            if value is not None:

                # Confirm numpy array inputs
                if isinstance(value, np.ndarray):

                    # Confirm dimensions
                    dimensions = len(value.shape)
                    spec_check = dimensions == 1 and (isinstance(lime_object, Spectrum) or key == 'wave')
                    cube_type = dimensions == 3 and isinstance(lime_object, Cube)
                    if not spec_check and not cube_type:
                        raise LiMe_Error(f'The dimensions of the input {key} are {dimensions}.\n'
                                         f'LiMe only recognizes 1D arrays for the wavelength array, \n'
                                         f'1D flux arrays for the Spectrum objects \n'
                                         f'and 3D flux arrays Cube objects.')
                    raise LiMe_Error(f'The input {key} array must be numpy array. The input variable type is a {type(value)}')
                if key in ['wave', 'flux']:
          'No value has been provided for {key}.')


def check_redshift_norm(redshift, norm_flux, flux_array, units_flux, norm_factor=100):

    if redshift is None:'No redshift provided for the spectrum. Assuming local universe observation (z = 0)')
        redshift = 0

    if redshift < 0:
        _logger.warning(f'Input spectrum redshift has a negative value: z = {redshift}')

    if norm_flux is None:
        if units_flux.scale == 1:
            norm_flux = np.nanmean(flux_array) / norm_factor
  'Normalizing input flux by {norm_flux}')
            norm_flux = 1

    return redshift, norm_flux

def check_spectrum_axes(lime_object):

    # Check for masked arrays
    array_labels = ['wave', 'wave_rest', 'flux']
    check_mask = np.zeros(3).astype(bool)
    for i, arg in enumerate(array_labels):
            check_mask[i] = True

    # TODO this one should go at the begining and review inputs
    if np.any(check_mask) and isinstance(lime_object, Spectrum):
        if ~np.all(check_mask):
            for i, arg in enumerate(array_labels):
                if not check_mask[i]:
                    _logger.warning(f'Your {arg} array does not include a pixel mask this can caused issues on the fittings')

    # Check that the flux and wavelength normalization #
    # if not isinstance(lime_object, Cube):
    #     if np.nanmedian(lime_object.flux) < 0.0001:
    #'The input flux has a median value of {np.nanmedian(lime_object.flux):.2e} '
    #                         f'{UNITS_LATEX_DICT[lime_object.units_flux]}. This can cause issues in the fitting. '
    #                         f'Try changing the flux normalization')


def check_sample_input_files(log_list, file_list, page_list, id_list):

    # Confirm all the files have the same address
    for key, value in {'log_list': log_list, 'file_list': file_list, 'page_list': page_list}.items():
        if value is not None:
            if not (len(id_list) == len(value)):
                raise LiMe_Error(f'The length of the {key} must be the same of the input "id_list".')

    if log_list is None and file_list is None:
        raise LiMe_Error(f'To define a sample, the user must provide alongside an "id_list" a "log_list" and/or a '


def check_sample_file_parser(source, fits_reader, load_function, default_load_function):

    # Assign input load function
    if load_function is not None:
        output = None, load_function

    # Assign the
    elif (source is not None) and (fits_reader is not None):
        output = fits_reader, None

    # No load function nor instrument
        raise LiMe_Error(f'To create a Sample object you need to provide "load_function" or provide a "instrument" '
                         f'supported by LiMe')

    return output

def check_sample_levels(levels, necessary_levels=("id", "file")):

    for comp_level in necessary_levels:
        if comp_level not in levels:
            _logger.warning(f'Input log levels do not include a "{comp_level}". This can cause issues with LiMe functions')


def cropping_spectrum(crop_waves, input_wave, input_flux, input_err, pixel_mask):

    if crop_waves is not None:

        # min_limit = crop_waves[0] if crop_waves[0] != 0 else input_wave[0]
        # max_limit = crop_waves[1] if crop_waves[1] != -1 else input_wave[-1]
        # idcs_crop = np.searchsorted(input_wave, (min_limit, max_limit))
        # input_wave = input_wave[idcs_crop[0]:idcs_crop[1]]
        idx_min = np.searchsorted(input_wave, crop_waves[0]) if crop_waves[0] != 0 else 0
        idx_max = np.searchsorted(input_wave, crop_waves[1]) if crop_waves[1] != -1 else None

        idcs_crop = (idx_min, idx_max)
        input_wave = input_wave[idcs_crop[0]:idcs_crop[1]]

        # Spectrum
        if len(input_flux.shape) == 1:
            input_flux = input_flux[idcs_crop[0]:idcs_crop[1]]
            if input_err is not None:
                input_err = input_err[idcs_crop[0]:idcs_crop[1]]

        # Cube
        elif len(input_flux.shape) == 3:
            input_flux = input_flux[idcs_crop[0]:idcs_crop[1], :, :]
            if input_err is not None:
                input_err = input_err[idcs_crop[0]:idcs_crop[1], :, :]

        # Not recognized
            raise LiMe_Error(f'The dimensions of the input flux are {input_flux.shape}. LiMe only recognized flux 1D '
                             f'arrays for Spectrum objects and 3D arrays for Cube objects')

        if pixel_mask is not None:
            pixel_mask = pixel_mask[idcs_crop[0]:idcs_crop[1]]

    return input_wave, input_flux, input_err, pixel_mask

def spec_normalization_masking(input_wave, input_flux, input_err, pixel_mask, redshift, norm_flux):

    # Apply the redshift correction
    if input_wave is not None:
        wave_rest = input_wave / (1 + redshift)
        if (input_wave is not None) and (input_flux is not None):
            wave = input_wave
            flux = input_flux  # * (1 + self.redshift)
            if input_err is not None:
                err_flux = input_err  # * (1 + self.redshift)
                err_flux = None

    # Normalize the spectrum
    if input_flux is not None:
        flux = flux / norm_flux
        if input_err is not None:
            err_flux = err_flux / norm_flux

    # Masked the arrays if requested
    if pixel_mask is not None:

        # Confirm boolean mask
        bool_mask = pixel_mask.astype(bool)

        # Check for non-1D arrays
        if len(pixel_mask.shape) == 1:
            wave =, bool_mask)
            wave_rest =, bool_mask)

        # Spectrum or Cube spectral masking
        flux =, bool_mask)

        # if len(input_flux.shape) == 1:
        #     mask_array = pixel_mask
        # else:
        #     mask_array = np.ones(flux.shape).astype(bool)
        #     mask_array[pixel_mask, :, :] = pixel_mask

        if err_flux is not None:
            err_flux =, bool_mask)

    return wave, wave_rest, flux, err_flux

[docs] def line_bands(wave_intvl=None, lines_list=None, particle_list=None, z_intvl=None, units_wave='Angstrom', decimals=None, vacuum=False, ref_bands=None): """ This function returns `LiMe bands database <>`_ as a pandas dataframe. If the user provides a wavelength array (``wave_inter``), a lime.Spectrum or lime.Cube the output dataframe will be limited to the lines within this wavelength interval. Similarly, the user provides a ``lines_list`` or a ``particle_list`` the output bands will be limited to the these lists. These inputs must follow `LiMe notation style <>`_ If the user provides a redshift interval (``z_intvl``) alongside the wavelength interval (``wave_intvl``) the output bands will be limited to the transitions which can be observed given the two parameters. The default line labels and bands ``units_wave`` are angstroms (A), additional options are: um, nm, Hz, cm, mm. The argument ``decimals`` determines the number of decimal figures for the line labels. The user can request the output line labels and bands wavelengths in vacuum setting ``vacuum=True``. This conversion is done using the relation from `Greisen et al. (2006) <>`_. Instead of the default LiMe database, the user can provide a ``ref_bands`` dataframe (or the dataframe file address) to use as the reference database. :param wave_intvl: Wavelength interval for output line transitions. :type wave_intvl: list, numpy.array, lime.Spectrum, lime.Cube, optional :param lines_list: Line list for output line bands. :type lines_list: list, numpy.array, optional :param particle_list: Particle list for output line bands. :type particle_list: list, numpy.array, optional :param z_intvl: Redshift interval for output line bands. :type z_intvl: list, numpy.array, optional :param units_wave: Labels and bands wavelength units. The default value is "A". :type units_wave: str, optional :param decimals: Number of decimal figures for the line labels. :type decimals: int, optional :param vacuum: Set to True for vacuum wavelength values. The default value is False. :type vacuum: bool, optional :param ref_bands: Reference bands dataframe. The default value is None. :type ref_bands: pandas.Dataframe, str, pathlib.Path, optional :return: """ # Use the default lime mask if none provided if ref_bands is None: ref_bands = _PARENT_BANDS # Load the reference bands mask_df = check_file_dataframe(ref_bands, pd.DataFrame) # Recover line label components idcs_rows = np.ones(mask_df.index.size).astype(bool) # Convert to vacuum wavelengths if requested if vacuum: # First the table data air_columns = ['wavelength', 'w1', 'w2', 'w3', 'w4', 'w5', 'w6'] mask_df[air_columns] = mask_df[air_columns].apply(air_to_vacuum_function, raw=True) # Convert to requested units units_wave = au.Unit(units_wave) if units_wave != 'Angstrom': conversion_factor = unit_conversion(au.Unit('Angstrom'), units_wave, wave_array=1, dispersion_units='dispersion axis') mask_df.loc[:, 'wavelength':'w6'] = mask_df.loc[:, 'wavelength':'w6'] * conversion_factor # Reconstruct the latex label n_bands = mask_df.index.size mask_df['latex_label'] = latex_from_label(None, mask_df['particle'], mask_df['wavelength'], np.array([units_wave] * n_bands), np.zeros(n_bands), mask_df['transition'], decimals=decimals) # Re-write the line band particle_array = mask_df['particle'].to_numpy().astype(str) wave_array = mask_df['wavelength'].to_numpy() wave_array = np.round(wave_array, decimals) if decimals is not None else np.round(wave_array, 0).astype(int) wave_array = wave_array.astype(str) unit_string = 'A' if units_wave == 'Angstrom' else str(units_wave) labels_array = np.core.defchararray.add(particle_array, '_') labels_array = np.core.defchararray.add(labels_array, wave_array) labels_array = np.core.defchararray.add(labels_array, unit_string) mask_df.rename(index=dict(zip(mask_df.index.values, labels_array)), inplace=True) # First slice by wavelength and redshift if wave_intvl is not None: # In case the input is a spectrum if isinstance(wave_intvl, (Spectrum, Cube)): wave_intvl = wave_intvl.wave_rest # Establish the lower and upper wavelength limits if w_min, w_max =[0],[-1] else: w_min, w_max = wave_intvl[0], wave_intvl[-1] if z_intvl is not None: z_intvl = np.array(z_intvl, ndmin=1) w_min, w_max = w_min * (1 + z_intvl[0]), w_max * (1 + z_intvl[-1]) wavelength_array = mask_df['wavelength'] idcs_rows = idcs_rows & (wavelength_array >= w_min) & (wavelength_array <= w_max) # Second slice by particle if particle_list is not None: idcs_rows = idcs_rows & mask_df.particle.isin(particle_list) # Finally slice by the name of the lines if lines_list is not None: idcs_rows = idcs_rows & mask_df.index.isin(lines_list) return mask_df.loc[idcs_rows]
[docs] class Spectrum(LineFinder): """ This class creates an astronomical cube variable for an integral field spectrograph observation. The user needs to provide wavelength and flux arrays. Additionally, the user can include a flux uncertainty array. This uncertainty must be in the same units as the flux. The cube should include its ``redshift``. If the flux units result in very small magnitudes, the user should also provide a normalization to make the flux magnitude well above zero. Otherwise, the profile fittings are likely to fail. This normalization is removed in the output measurements. The user can provide a ``pixel_mask`` boolean array with the pixels **to be excluded** from the measurements. The default ``units_wave`` are angtroms (Å), additional options are: um, nm, Hz, cm, mm The default ``units_flux`` are Flam (erg s^-1 cm^-2 Å^-1), additional options are: Fnu, Jy, mJy, nJy The user can also specify an instrument FWHM (``inst_FWHM``), so it can be taken into account during the measurements. The user can provide a ``pixel_mask`` boolean array with the pixels **to be excluded** from the measurements. :cvar fit: Fitting function instance from :class:`lime.workflow.SpecTreatment`. :cvar plot: Plotting function instance from :class:`lime.plots.SpectrumFigures`. :param input_wave: wavelength array. :type input_wave: numpy.array :param input_flux: flux array. :type input_flux: numpy.array :param input_err: flux sigma uncertainty array. :type input_err: numpy.array, optional :param redshift: observation redshift. :type redshift: float, optional :param norm_flux: spectrum flux normalization. :type norm_flux: float, optional :param crop_waves: spectrum (minimum, maximum) values :type crop_waves: np.array, tuple, optional :param inst_FWHM: Instrumental FWHM. :type inst_FWHM: float, optional :param units_wave: Wavelength array units. The default value is "A". :type units_wave: str, optional :param units_flux: Flux array physical units. The default value is "Flam". :type units_flux: str, optional :param pixel_mask: Boolean array with True values for rejected pixels. :type pixel_mask: np.array, optional :param id_label: identity label for the spectrum object :type id_label: str, optional """ # File manager for a Cube created from an observation file _fitsMgr = None def __init__(self, input_wave=None, input_flux=None, input_err=None, redshift=None, norm_flux=None, crop_waves=None, inst_FWHM=None, units_wave='AA', units_flux='FLAM', pixel_mask=None, id_label=None, review_inputs=True): # Load parent classes LineFinder.__init__(self) # Class attributes self.label = None self.wave = None self.wave_rest = None self.flux = None self.err_flux = None self.cont = None self.cont_std = None self.frame = None self.redshift = None self.norm_flux = None self.inst_FWHM = None self.units_wave = None self.units_flux = None # Treatments objects = SpecTreatment(self) self.infer = DetectionInference(self) # Plotting objects self.plot = SpectrumFigures(self) self.check = SpectrumCheck(self) # Review and assign the attibutes data if review_inputs: self._set_attributes(input_wave, input_flux, input_err, redshift, norm_flux, crop_waves, inst_FWHM, units_wave, units_flux, pixel_mask, id_label) return @classmethod def from_cube(cls, cube, idx_j, idx_i, label=None): # Load parent classes spec = cls(review_inputs=False) # Class attributes spec.label = label spec.wave = cube.wave spec.wave_rest = cube.wave_rest spec.flux = cube.flux[:, idx_j, idx_i] spec.err_flux = None if cube.err_flux is None else cube.err_flux[:, idx_j, idx_i] spec.norm_flux = cube.norm_flux spec.redshift = cube.redshift spec.frame = pd.DataFrame(np.empty(0, dtype=_LOG_EXPORT_RECARR)) spec.inst_FWHM = cube.inst_FWHM spec.units_wave = cube.units_wave spec.units_flux = cube.units_flux # Check if masked array if spec.wave =, cube.flux[:, idx_j, idx_i].mask) spec.wave_rest =, cube.flux[:, idx_j, idx_i].mask) return spec @classmethod def from_file(cls, file_address, instrument, mask_flux_entries=None, **kwargs): """ This method creates a lime.Spectrum object from an observational (.fits) file. The user needs to introduce the file address location and the name of the instrument of survey. Currently, this method supports NIRSPEC, ISIS, OSIRIS and SDSS as input instrument sources. This method will lower case the input instrument or survey name. The user can include list of pixel values to generate a mask from the input file flux entries. For example, if the user introduces [np.nan, 'negative'] the output spectrum will mask np.nan entries and negative fluxes. This method provides the instrument observational units and normalization but the user should introduce the additional LiMe.Spectrum arguments (such as the observation redshift). :param file_address: Input file location address. :type file_address: Path, string :param instrument: Input file instrument or survey name :type instrument: str :param mask_flux_entries: List of pixel values to mask from flux array :type mask_flux_entries: list :param kwargs: lime.Spectrum arguments. :return: lime.Spectrum """ # Create file manager object to administrate the file source and observation properties cls._fitsMgr = OpenFits(file_address, instrument, cls.__name__) # Load the scientific data from the file fits_args = cls._fitsMgr.parse_data_from_file(cls._fitsMgr.file_address, mask_flux_entries) # Update the parameters file parameters with the user parameters obs_args = {**fits_args, **kwargs} # Create the LiMe object return cls(**obs_args) @classmethod def from_survey(cls, target_id, survey, mask_flux_entries=None, **kwargs): """ This method creates a lime.Spectrum object from a survey observational (.fits) file. The user needs to provide an object ID alongside the calague organization labels to identify the file. Currently, this method supports the DESI survey. This method will lower case the input survey name. The user can include list of pixel values to generate a mask from the input file flux entries. For example, if the user introduces [np.nan, 'negative'] the output spectrum will mask np.nan entries and negative fluxes. This method provides the arguments necesary to create the LiMe.Spectrum object. However, the user should provide the indexation values to locate the file on the survey. For example, for the DESI survey these would be the catalogue (i.e. healpix), program (i.e. dark) and release (fuji). :param file_address: Input object ID label. :type file_address: str :param survey: Input object survey name :type survey: str :param mask_flux_entries: List of pixel values to mask from flux array :type mask_flux_entries: list :param kwargs: Survey indexation arguments for the object :return: lime.Spectrum """ # Create file manager object to administrate the file source and observation properties cls._fitsMgr = OpenFits(target_id, survey, cls.__name__) # Load the scientific data from the file fits_args = cls._fitsMgr.parse_data_from_url(cls._fitsMgr.file_address, mask_flux_entries, **kwargs) # Create the LiMe object return cls(**fits_args) def _set_attributes(self, input_wave, input_flux, input_err, redshift, norm_flux, crop_waves, inst_FWHM, units_wave, units_flux, pixel_mask, label): # Class attributes self.label = label self.inst_FWHM = np.nan if inst_FWHM is None else inst_FWHM # Review the inputs check_inputs_arrays(input_wave, input_flux, input_err, self) # Checks units self.units_wave, self.units_flux = check_units(units_wave, units_flux) # Check redshift and normalization self.redshift, self.norm_flux = check_redshift_norm(redshift, norm_flux, input_flux, self.units_flux) # Start cropping the input spectrum if necessary input_wave, input_flux, input_err, pixel_mask = cropping_spectrum(crop_waves, input_wave, input_flux, input_err, pixel_mask) # Normalization and masking self.wave, self.wave_rest, self.flux, self.err_flux = spec_normalization_masking(input_wave, input_flux, input_err, pixel_mask, self.redshift, self.norm_flux) # Check nan entries and mask quality check_spectrum_axes(self) # Generate empty dataframe to store measurement use cwd as default storing folder # TODO we are not using this self.frame = pd.DataFrame(np.empty(0, dtype=_LOG_EXPORT_RECARR)) return def unit_conversion(self, wave_units_out=None, flux_units_out=None, norm_flux=None): """ This function converts spectrum wavelength array, the flux array or both arrays units. The user can also provide a flux normalization for the spectrum flux array. The wavelength units available are AA (angstroms), um, nm, Hz, cm, mm The flux units available are Flam (erg s^-1 cm^-2 Å^-1), Fnu (erg s^-1 cm^-2 Hz^-1), Jy, mJy, nJy :param wave_units_out: Wavelength array units :type wave_units_out: str, optional :param flux_units_out: Flux array units :type flux_units_out: str, optional :param norm_flux: Flux normalization :type norm_flux: float, optional """ # Remove existing normalization if (self.norm_flux != 1) and (self.norm_flux is not None): # Remove mask and normalization input_mask = self.flux.mask if else None flux_arr = * self.norm_flux if input_mask is None else self.flux * self.norm_flux err_arr = * self.norm_flux if input_mask is None else self.err_flux * self.norm_flux # Re-apply mask self.flux = flux_arr if input_mask is None else, self.flux.mask) self.err_flux = err_arr if input_mask is None else, self.err_flux.mask) self.norm_flux = None # Convert the requested units to astropy unit object wave_units_out = au.Unit(wave_units_out) if wave_units_out is not None else None flux_units_out = au.Unit(flux_units_out) if flux_units_out is not None else None # Dispersion axes conversion if wave_units_out is not None: # Convert the data output_wave = unit_conversion(self.units_wave, wave_units_out, wave_array=self.wave) # Assign the new values self.wave = output_wave self.wave_rest = / (1+self.redshift), self.wave.mask) self.units_wave = wave_units_out # Flux axis conversion if flux_units_out is not None: # Flux conversion output_flux = unit_conversion(self.units_flux, flux_units_out, wave_array=self.wave, flux_array=self.flux, dispersion_units=self.units_wave) # Flux uncertainty conversion output_err = None if self.err_flux is None else unit_conversion(self.units_flux, flux_units_out, wave_array=self.wave, flux_array=self.err_flux, dispersion_units=self.units_wave) # Assign new values self.flux = output_flux self.err_flux = None if self.err_flux is None else output_err self.units_flux = flux_units_out # Switch the normalization if norm_flux is not None: # Remove mask and then apply normalization input_mask = self.flux.mask if else None flux_arr = / norm_flux if input_mask is None else self.flux / norm_flux err_arr = / norm_flux if input_mask is None else self.err_flux / norm_flux # Re-apply mask self.flux = flux_arr if input_mask is None else, self.flux.mask) self.err_flux = err_arr if input_mask is None else, self.err_flux.mask) self.norm_flux = norm_flux return def save_frame(self, fname, page='FRAME', param_list='all', header=None, column_dtypes=None, safe_version=True): """ This function saves the spectrum measurements at the ``file_address`` provided by the user. The accepted extensions are ".txt", ".pdf", ".fits", ".asdf" and ".xlsx". For ".fits" and ".xlsx" files the user can provide a page name for the HDU/sheet with the ``ext`` argument. The default name is "LINESFRAME". The user can specify the ``parameters`` to be saved in the output file. For ".fits" files the user can provide a dictionary to add to the ``fits_header``. The user can provide a ``column_dtypes`` string or dictionary for the output fits file record array. This overwrites LiMe deafult formatting and it must have the same columns as the file names. :param fname: Output log address. :type fname: str, Path :param param_list: Output parameters list. The default value is "all" :type param_list: list :param page: Name for the HDU/sheet for ".fits"/".xlsx" files. :type page: str, optional :param header: Dictionary for ".fits" and ".asdf" files. :type header: dict, optional :param column_dtypes: Conversion variable for the `records array <>`. for the output fits file. If a string or type, the data type to store all columns. If a dictionary, a mapping of column names and indices (zero-indexed) to specific data types. :type column_dtypes: str, dict, optional :param safe_version: Save LiMe version as footnote or page header on the output log. The default value is True. :type safe_version: bool, optional """ # Meta parameters from the observations meta_params = {'LiMe': __version__, 'u_wave': self.units_wave.to_string(), 'u_flux': self.units_flux.to_string(), 'redshift': self.redshift, 'id': self.label} # Save the file save_frame(fname, self.frame, page, param_list, header, column_dtypes=column_dtypes, safe_version=safe_version, **meta_params) return def load_frame(self, fname, page='LINESFRAME'): """ This function loads a lines measurements log as a lime.Spectrum.log variable. The appropriate variables are normalized by the current spectrum flux normalization. :param fname: Input log address. :type fname: str, Path :param page: Name of the HDU/sheet for ".fits"/".xlsx" files. :type page: str, optional """ # Load the log file if it is a log file log_df = check_file_dataframe(fname, pd.DataFrame, ext=page) # Security checks: if log_df.index.size > 0: line_list = log_df.index.values # Get the first line in the log line_0 = Line.from_log(line_list[0], log_df, norm_flux=self.norm_flux) # Confirm the lines in the log match the one of the spectrum if line_0.units_wave[0] != self.units_wave: _logger.warning(f'Different units in the spectrum dispersion ({self.units_wave}) axis and the lines log' f' in {line_0.units_wave[0]}') # Confirm all the log lines have the same units au_str = 'A' if line_0.units_wave[0] == 'Angstrom' else str(line_0.units_wave) same_units_check = np.flatnonzero(np.core.defchararray.find(line_list.astype(str), au_str) != -1).size == line_list.size if not same_units_check: _logger.warning(f'The log has lines with different units') # Assign the log self.frame = log_df else:'Log file with 0 entries ({fname})') return def update_redshift(self, redshift): # Check if it is a masked array if input_wave = input_flux = input_err = pixel_mask = self.wave.mask else: input_wave = self.wave input_flux = self.flux input_err = self.err_flux pixel_mask = None # Normalization and masking self.redshift = redshift self.wave, self.wave_rest, self.flux, self.err_flux = spec_normalization_masking(input_wave, input_flux, input_err, pixel_mask, self.redshift, 1) return
[docs] class Cube: """ This class creates an astronomical cube for an integral field spectrograph observation. The user needs to provide 1D wavelength and 3D flux arrays. Additionally, the user can include a 3D flux uncertainty array. This uncertainty must be in the same units as the flux. The cube should include its ``redshift``. If the flux units result in very small magnitudes, the user should also provide a normalization to make the flux magnitude well above zero. Otherwise, the profile fittings are likely to fail. This normalization is removed in the output measurements. The default ``units_wave`` are angtroms (Å), additional options are: um, nm, Hz, cm, mm The default ``units_flux`` are Flam (erg s^-1 cm^-2 Å^-1), additional options are: Fnu, Jy, mJy, nJy The user can also specify an instrument FWHM (``inst_FWHM``), so it can be taken into account during the measurements. The user can provide a ``pixel_mask`` boolean 3D array with the pixels **to be excluded** from the measurements. The observation object should include an astropy World Coordinate System (``wcs``) to export the spatial coordinate system to the measurement files. :param input_wave: wavelength 1D array :type input_wave: numpy.array :param input_flux: flux 3D array :type input_flux: numpy.array :param input_err: flux sigma uncertainty 3D array. :type input_err: numpy.array, optional :param redshift: observation redshift. :type redshift: float, optional :param norm_flux: spectrum flux normalization :type norm_flux: float, optional :param crop_waves: spectrum (minimum, maximum) values :type crop_waves: np.array, tuple, optional :param inst_FWHM: Instrumental FWHM. :type inst_FWHM: float, optional :param units_wave: Wavelength units. The default value is "A" :type units_wave: str, optional :param units_flux: Flux array physical units. The default value is "Flam" :type units_flux: str, optional :param pixel_mask: Boolean 3D array with True values for rejected pixels. :type pixel_mask: np.array, optional :param id_label: identity label for the spectrum object :type id_label: str, optional :param wcs: Observation `world coordinate system <>`_. :type wcs: astropy WCS, optional """ # File manager for a Cube created from an observation file _fitsMgr = None def __init__(self, input_wave=None, input_flux=None, input_err=None, redshift=None, norm_flux=None, crop_waves=None, inst_FWHM=None, units_wave='AA', units_flux='FLAM', pixel_mask=None, id_label=None, wcs=None): # Review the inputs check_inputs_arrays(input_wave, input_flux, input_err, self) # Class attributes self.obj_name = id_label self.wave = None self.wave_rest = None self.flux = None self.err_flux = None self.inst_FWHM = np.nan if inst_FWHM is None else inst_FWHM self.wcs = wcs # Treatments objects = CubeTreatment(self) # Plotting objects self.plot = CubeFigures(self) self.check = CubeCheck(self) # Checks units self.units_wave, self.units_flux = check_units(units_wave, units_flux) # Check redshift and normalization self.redshift, self.norm_flux = check_redshift_norm(redshift, norm_flux, input_flux, self.units_flux) # Start cropping the input spectrum if necessary input_wave, input_flux, input_err, pixel_mask = cropping_spectrum(crop_waves, input_wave, input_flux, input_err, pixel_mask) # Spectrum normalization, redshift and mask calculation self.wave, self.wave_rest, self.flux, self.err_flux = spec_normalization_masking(input_wave, input_flux, input_err, pixel_mask, self.redshift, self.norm_flux) # Check nan entries and mask quality check_spectrum_axes(self) return @classmethod def from_file(cls, file_address, instrument, mask_flux_entries=None, **kwargs): """ This method creates a lime.Cube object from an observational (.fits) file. The user needs to introduce the file address location and the name of the instrument of survey. Currently, this method supports MANGA and MUSE input instrument sources. This method will lower case the input instrument or survey name. The user can include list of pixel values to generate a mask from the input file flux entries. For example, if the user introduces ["nan", "negative"] the output spectrum will mask np.nan entries and negative fluxes. This method procures the instrument observations units, normalization and wcs but the user should introduce the LiMe.Spectrum arguments (such as the observation redshift). :param file_address: Input file location address. :type file_address: Path, string :param instrument: Input file instrument or survey name :type instrument: str :param mask_flux_entries: List of pixel values to mask from flux array :type mask_flux_entries: list :param kwargs: lime.Cube arguments. :return: lime.Cube """ # TODO kwargs are not passing # Create file manager object to administrate the file source and observation properties cls._fitsMgr = OpenFits(file_address, instrument, cls.__name__) # Load the scientific data from the file fits_args = cls._fitsMgr.parse_data_from_file(cls._fitsMgr.file_address, mask_flux_entries) # Update the parameters file parameters with the user parameters obs_args = {**fits_args, **kwargs} # Create the LiMe object return cls(**obs_args) def spatial_masking(self, line, bands=None, param='flux', contour_pctls=(90, 95, 99), output_address=None, mask_label_prefix=None, header=None): """ This function generates a spatial binary mask for an input ``line``. The ``line`` argument provides the label for the mask spatial image. The bands are read from the ``bands`` dataframe argument. The mask calculation can be done as a function of three parameters as a function of the ``param`` argument: "flux" is the sum of the flux on input band, "SN_line" is the signal-to-noise ratio for an emission line and "SN_cont" is the signal-to-noise of the continuum. The latter two parameters use the `Rola et al. (1994) <>`_ definition. The number and spread of the binary masks is determined from percentile levels in the ``contour_pctls`` argument. If the user provides an ``output_address`` this function will be saved as a ".fits" file. If none is provided the function will return and HDUL variable. By default, the masks are saved in a ".fits" file with the extension name "MASK_0", "MASK_1"... The user can add a prefix to these names witht he ```mask_label_prefix`` argument. :param line: Line label for the spatial image. :param type: str :param bands: Bands dataframe (or file address to the dataframe). :type bands: pandas.Dataframe, str, path.Pathlib, optional :param param: Parameter label for mask calculation. The default value is 'flux'. :type param: str :param contour_pctls: Sorted percentile values for the binary mask calculation. :type contour_pctls: np.array :param mask_label_prefix: Prefix for the mask page name in output file :type mask_label_prefix: str, optional :param output_address: File location to store the mask. :type output_address: str, optional :param header: Dictionary for mask ".fits" file header :type header: dict, optional :return: """ # Check the function inputs contour_pctls = np.atleast_1d(contour_pctls) if not np.all(np.diff(contour_pctls) > 0): raise Error(f'The mask percentiles ({contour_pctls}) must be in increasing order') inver_percentiles = np.flip(contour_pctls) if not param in ['flux', 'SN_line', 'SN_cont']: raise Error(f'The mask calculation parameter ({param}) is not recognised. Please use "flux", "SN_line", "SN_cont"') # Line for the background image line_bg = Line(line, bands) # Get the band indexes idcsEmis, idcsCont = define_masks(self.wave, line_bg.mask * (1 + self.redshift), line_mask_entry=line_bg.pixel_mask, line=line_bg.label) signal_slice = self.flux[idcsEmis, :, :] signal_slice = signal_slice if not else # Get indeces all nan entries to exclude them from the analysis idcs_all_nan = np.all(np.isnan(, axis=0) # If not mask parameter provided we use the flux percentiles if param == 'flux': param = self.units_flux param_image = signal_slice.sum(axis=0) # S/N cont elif param == 'SN_cont': param_image = np.nanmean(signal_slice, axis=0) / np.nanstd(signal_slice, axis=0) # S/N line elif param == 'SN_line': n_pixels = np.sum(idcsCont) cont_slice = self.flux[idcsCont, :, :] cont_slice = cont_slice if not else Amp_image = np.nanmax(signal_slice, axis=0) - np.nanmean(cont_slice, axis=0) std_image = np.nanstd(cont_slice, axis=0) param_image = (np.sqrt(2 * n_pixels * np.pi) / 6) * (Amp_image / std_image) else: raise LiMe_Error(f'Parameter {param} is not recognized please use: "flux", "SN_line" or "SN_cont"') # Percentiles vector for the target parameter param_array = np.nanpercentile(param_image, inver_percentiles) # If minimum level not provided by user use lowest contour_level min_level = param_array[-1] # Containers for the mask parameters mask_dict = {} param_level = {} boundary_dict = {} # Loop throught the counter levels and compute the for i, n_levels in enumerate(param_array): # # Operation every element if i == 0: maParamImage = >= param_array[i]) & (param_image >= min_level), param_image) else: maParamImage = >= param_array[i]) & (param_image < param_array[i - 1]) & (param_image >= min_level), param_image) if np.sum(maParamImage.mask) > 0: mask_dict[f'mask_{i}'] = maParamImage.mask & ~idcs_all_nan boundary_dict[f'mask_{i}'] = inver_percentiles[i] param_level[f'mask_{i}'] = param_array[i] # Use as HDU as container for the mask hdul = fits.HDUList([fits.PrimaryHDU()]) # Recover coordinates from the wcs to store in the headers: hdr_coords = extract_wcs_header(self.wcs, drop_axis='spectral') for idx_region, region_items in enumerate(mask_dict.items()): region_label, region_mask = region_items # Metadata for the fits page signal_slice = signal_slice if not else hdr_i = fits.Header({'PARAM': param, 'PARAMIDX': boundary_dict[region_label], 'PARAMVAL': param_level[region_label], 'NUMSPAXE': np.sum(region_mask)}) # Add WCS information if hdr_coords is not None: hdr_i.update(hdr_coords) # Add user information if header is not None: page_hdr = header.get(f'{mask_label_prefix}{region_label}', None) page_hdr = header if page_hdr is None else page_hdr hdr_i.update(page_hdr) # Extension for the mask mask_ext = region_label if mask_label_prefix is None else f'{mask_label_prefix}{region_label}' # Mask HDU mask_hdu = fits.ImageHDU(name=mask_ext, data=region_mask.astype(int), ver=1, header=hdr_i) hdul.append(mask_hdu) # Output folder computed from the output address output_address = Path(output_address) if output_address is not None else None # Return an array with the masks if output_address is not None: if output_address.parent.is_dir(): hdul.writeto(output_address, overwrite=True, output_verify='fix') output_func = None else: raise LiMe_Error(f'Mask could not be saved. Folder not found: {output_address.parent.as_posix()}') # Return the hdul else: output_func = hdul return output_func def unit_conversion(self, units_wave=None, units_flux=None, norm_flux=None): """ This function converts cube wavelength array and/or the flux array units. The user can also provide a flux normalization for the spectrum flux array. The wavelength units available are A (angstroms), um, nm, Hz, cm, mm The flux units available are Flam (erg s^-1 cm^-2 Å^-1), Fnu (erg s^-1 cm^-2 Hz^-1), Jy, mJy, nJy :param units_wave: Wavelength array units :type units_wave: str, optional :param units_flux: Flux array units :type units_flux: str, optional :param norm_flux: Flux normalization :type norm_flux: float, optional """ # Dispersion axes conversion if units_wave is not None: # Remove the masks for the conversion input_wave = if else self.wave output_wave = unit_conversion(self.units_wave, units_wave, wave_array=input_wave) # Reflect the new units if self.wave =, self.wave.mask) self.wave_rest =, self.wave.mask) else: self.wave = output_wave self.wave_rest = output_wave/(1+self.redshift) self.units_wave = units_wave # Flux axis conversion if units_flux is not None: # Remove the masks for the conversion input_wave = if else self.wave input_flux = if else self.flux input_err = if else self.err_flux # TODO this is slow flux_shape = input_flux.shape y_range, x_range = np.arange(flux_shape[1]), np.arange(flux_shape[2]) if len(flux_shape) == 3: output_flux = np.empty(flux_shape) for j in y_range: for i in x_range: output_flux[:, j, i] = unit_conversion(self.units_flux, units_flux, wave_array=self.wave, flux_array=input_flux[:, j, i], dispersion_units=self.units_wave) else: output_flux = unit_conversion(self.units_flux, units_flux, wave_array=self.wave, flux_array=input_flux, dispersion_units=self.units_wave) if input_err is not None: output_err = unit_conversion(self.units_flux, units_flux, wave_array=input_wave, flux_array=input_err, dispersion_units=self.units_wave) # Reflect the new units if self.flux =, self.flux.mask) else: self.flux = output_flux if input_err is not None: self.err_flux =, self.err_flux.mask) if else output_err self.units_flux = units_flux # Switch the normalization if norm_flux is not None: mask_check = # Remove old if mask_check: new_flux = * self.norm_flux / norm_flux new_err = None if self.err_flux is None else * self.norm_flux / norm_flux self.flux =, self.flux.mask) self.err_flux = None if self.err_flux is None else, self.err_flux.mask) else: self.flux = self.flux * self.norm_flux / norm_flux self.err_flux = None if self.err_flux is None else self.err_flux * self.norm_flux / norm_flux self.norm_flux = norm_flux return def get_spectrum(self, idx_j, idx_i, id_label=None): """ This function returns a lime.Spectrum object from the input array coordinates :param idx_j: y-axis array coordinate :type idx_j: int :param idx_i: x-axis array coordinate :type idx_i: int :param id_label: Identity label for spectrum object :type id_label: str, optional """ return Spectrum.from_cube(self, idx_j, idx_i, id_label) def export_spaxels(self, output_address, mask_file, mask_list=None, log_ext_suffix='_LINELOG', progress_output='bar'): # Check if the mask variable is a file or an array mask_dict = check_file_array_mask(mask_file, mask_list) # Unpack mask dictionary mask_list = np.array(list(mask_dict.keys())) mask_data_list = list(mask_dict.values()) # Checks for the data type err_check = False if self.err_flux is None else True masked_check = False if is False else True # Check if the output log folder exists output_address = Path(output_address) if not output_address.parent.is_dir(): raise LiMe_Error(f'The folder of the output log file does not exist at {output_address}') # Determine the spaxels to treat at each mask total_spaxels, spaxels_dict = 0, {} for idx_mask, mask_data in enumerate(mask_data_list): spa_mask, hdr_mask = mask_data idcs_spaxels = np.argwhere(spa_mask) total_spaxels += len(idcs_spaxels) spaxels_dict[idx_mask] = idcs_spaxels # Spaxel counter to save the data everytime n_save is reached spax_counter = 0 # HDU_container hdul = fits.HDUList([fits.PrimaryHDU()]) # Header data if self.wcs is not None: hdr_coords = extract_wcs_header(self.wcs, drop_axis='spatial') else: hdr_coords = None # Loop through the masks n_masks = len(mask_list) for i in np.arange(n_masks): # Mask progress indexing mask_name = mask_list[i] idcs_spaxels = spaxels_dict[i] # Loop through the spaxels n_spaxels = idcs_spaxels.shape[0] pbar = ProgressBar(progress_output, f'{n_spaxels} spaxels') print(f'\n\nSpatial mask {i + 1}/{n_masks}) {mask_name} ({n_spaxels} spaxels)') for j in np.arange(n_spaxels): idx_j, idx_i = idcs_spaxels[j] spaxel_label = f'{idx_j}-{idx_i}' ext_label = f'{spaxel_label}{log_ext_suffix}' # Spaxel progress message pbar.output_message(j, n_spaxels, pre_text="", post_text=f'(coordinate {spaxel_label})') # Recover the spectrum spec_flux = self.flux[:, idx_j, idx_i] * self.norm_flux spec_err_flux = self.err_flux[:, idx_j, idx_i] * self.norm_flux if err_check else None # Remove mask if masked_check: spec_flux = spec_err_flux = if err_check else None # Convert to table-HDU format if err_check: data_array = np.rec.fromarrays([spec_flux, spec_err_flux], dtype=[('flux', '>f8'), ('flux_err', '>f8')]) else: data_array = np.rec.fromarrays([spec_flux], dtype=[('flux', '<f8')]) # Create spaxel_page table_hdu_i = fits.TableHDU(data_array, header=hdr_coords, name=ext_label) hdul.append(table_hdu_i) hdul.writeto(output_address, overwrite=True) hdul.close() return
[docs] class Sample(UserDict, OpenFits): """ This class creates a dictionary-like variable to store LiMe observations, by the fault it is assumed that these are ``Spectrum`` objects. The sample is indexed via the input ``log`` parameter, a pandas dataframe, whose levels must be declared via the ``levels`` parameter. By default, three levels are assumed: an "id" column and a "file" column specifying the object ID and observation file address respectively. The "line" level refers to the label measurements in the corresponding The user can specify more levels via the ``levels`` parameter. However, it is recommended to keep this structure: "id" and "file" levels first and the "line" column last. To create the LiMe observation variables (``Spectrum`` or ``Cube``) the user needs to specify a ``load_function``. This is a python method which declares how the observational files are read and parsed and returns a LiMe object. This ``load_function`` must have 4 parameters: ``log_df``, ``obs_idx``, ``folder_obs`` and ``**kwargs``. The first and second variable represent the sample ``log`` and a single pandas multi-index entry for the requested observation. The ``folder_obs`` and ``**kwargs`` are provided at the ``Sample`` creation: The ``folder_obs`` parameter specifies the root file location for the targeted observation file. This root address is combined with the corresponding log level ``file`` value. If a ``folder_obs`` is not specified, it is assumed that the ``file`` log column contains the absolute file address. The ``**kwargs`` argument specifies keyword arguments used in the creation of the ``Spectrum`` or ``Cube`` objects such as the ```redshift`` or ``norm_flux`` for example. The user may also specify the instrument used for the observation. In this case LiMe will use the inbuilt functions to read the supported instruments. This, however, may not contain all the necessary information to create the LiMe variable (such as the redshift). In this case, the user can include a load_function which returns a dictionary with observation parameters not found on the ".fits" file. :param sample_log: multi-index dataframe with the parameter properties belonging to the ``Sample``. :type sample_log: pd.Dataframe :param levels: levels for the sample log dataframe. By default, these levels are "id", "file", "line". :type levels: list :param load_function: python method with the instructions to convert the observation file into a LiMe observation. :type load_function: python method :param instrument: instrument name responsible for the sample observations. :type instrument: string, optional. :param folder_obs: Root address for the observations' location. This address is combined with the "file" log column value. :type folder_obs: string, optional. :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for the creation of the LiMe observation variables. """ def __init__(self, sample_log, levels=('id', 'file', 'line'), load_function=None, instrument=None, folder_obs=None, units_wave='AA', units_flux='FLAM', **kwargs): # Initiate the user dictionary with a dictionary of observations if provided super().__init__() # Load parent classes OpenFits.__init__(self, folder_obs, instrument, load_function, 'Sample') # Function attributes self.label_list = None self.objects = None self.group_list = None self.levels = list(levels) # Check the levels on combined labels target log check_sample_levels(self.levels) # Checks units self.units_wave, self.units_flux = check_units(units_wave, units_flux) self.frame = check_file_dataframe(sample_log, pd.DataFrame, sample_levels=self.levels) self._load_function = load_function self.load_params = kwargs # Functionality objects self.plot = SampleFigures(self) self.check = SampleCheck(self) # Check if there is not a log if self.frame is None: _logger.warning(f'Sample was created with a null log') return @classmethod def from_file(cls, id_list, log_list=None, file_list=None, page_list=None, levels=('id', 'file', "line"), load_function=None, instrument=None, folder_obs=None, **kwargs): """ This class creates a dictionary-like variable to store LiMe observations taking a list of observations IDs, line logs and a list of files. The sample is indexed via the input ``log`` parameter, a pandas dataframe, whose levels must are declared via the ``levels`` parameter. By default, three levels are assumed: an "id" column and a "file" column specifying the object ID and observation file address respectively. The "line" level refers to the label measurements in the corresponding The user can specify more levels via the ``levels`` parameter. However, it is recommended to keep this structure: "id" and "file" levels first and the "line" column last. The sample log levels are created from the input values for the ``id_list``, ``log_list`` and ``file_list`` while the individual logs from each observation are combined where the line labels in the "line" level. If the input logs are ".fits" files the user must specify extension name or number via the ``page_list`` parameter. To create the LiMe observation variables (``Spectrum`` or ``Cube``) the user needs to specify a ``load_function``. This is a python method which declares how the observational files are read and parsed and returns a LiMe object. This ``load_function`` must have four parameters: ``log_df``, ``obs_idx``, ``folder_obs`` and ``**kwargs``. The first and second variable represent the sample ``log`` and a single pandas multi-index entry for the requested observation. The ``folder_obs`` and ``**kwargs`` are provided at the ``Sample`` creation: The ``folder_obs`` parameter specifies the root file location for the targeted observation file. This root address is combined with the corresponding log level ``file`` value. If a ``folder_obs`` is not specified, it is assumed that the ``file`` log column contains the absolute file address. This is The ``**kwargs`` argument specifies keyword arguments used in the creation of the ``Spectrum`` or ``Cube`` objects such as the ```redshift`` or ``norm_flux`` for example. :param id_list: List of observation names :type id_list: list :param log_list: List of observation log data frames or files or pandas data frames :type log_list: list :param file_list: List of observation files. :type file_list: list :param page_list: List of extension files or names for the observation ".fits" files :type page_list: list :param levels: levels for the sample log dataframe. By default, these levels are "id", "file", "line". :type levels: list :param load_function: python method with the instructions to convert the observation file into a LiMe observation. :type load_function: python method :param instrument: instrument name responsible for the sample observations. :type instrument: string, optional. :param folder_obs: Root address for the observations' location. This address is combined with the "file" log column value. :type folder_obs: string, optional. :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for the creation of the LiMe observation variables. """ # Confirm matching length of entries check_sample_input_files(log_list, file_list, page_list, id_list) # Check the levels on combined labels target log check_sample_levels(levels) # Loop through observations and combine the log df_list = [] for i, id_spec in enumerate(id_list): # Page and spec index file_spec = None if file_list is None else file_list[i] page_name = page_list[i] if page_list is not None else 'LINESFRAME' # Load the log and check the levels if log_list is not None: log_i = load_frame(log_list[i], page_name, levels) df_list.append(review_sample_levels(log_i, id_spec, file_spec)) else: log_i = pd.DataFrame(columns=["id", "file"], data=(id_spec, file_spec)) log_i.set_index(["id", "file"], inplace=True) sample_log = pd.concat(df_list) return cls(sample_log, levels, load_function, instrument, folder_obs, **kwargs) def load_function(self, log_df, obs_idx, root_address, **kwargs): # Use loading function if self._load_function is not None: load_function_output = self._load_function(log_df, obs_idx, root_address, **kwargs) else: load_function_output = {} # Proceed to create the LiMe object if necessary if isinstance(load_function_output, dict): # Get address of observation file_spec = root_address / obs_idx[log_df.index.names.index('file')] # User provides a data parser if self.fits_reader is not None: spec_data = self.fits_reader(file_spec) fits_args = {'input_wave': spec_data[0], 'input_flux': spec_data[1], 'input_err': spec_data[2], **spec_data[4]} else: fits_args = {} # Create observation obs_args = {**fits_args, **load_function_output} obs = Spectrum(**obs_args) if self.spectrum_check else Cube(**obs_args) else: obs = load_function_output return obs def __getitem__(self, id_key): output = None valid_check = self._review_df_indexes() # Proceed to selection if valid_check: # Check if Pandas indeces, numpy boolean or scalar key if isinstance(id_key, pd.Index) or isinstance(id_key, pd.MultiIndex) or isinstance(id_key, pd.Series): idcs = id_key elif isinstance(id_key, (np.ndarray, np.bool_)): idcs = self.frame.index[id_key] else: idcs = self.frame.index.get_level_values('id').isin([id_key]) # Not entry found if np.all(idcs is False): raise KeyError(id_key) # Crop sample output = Sample(self.frame.loc[idcs], self.levels, self.load_function, self.source, self.file_address, **self.load_params) return output def get_observation(self, input_index, default_none=False): output = None valid_check = self._review_df_indexes() if valid_check: # Case only ID string if isinstance(input_index, str): idcs = self.frame.index.get_level_values('id').isin(np.atleast_1d(input_index)) # Not entry found if np.all(idcs is False): raise KeyError(input_index) # Check for logs without lines if 'line' not in self.frame.index.names: obj_idcs = self.frame.loc[idcs].index.unique() else: obj_idcs = self.frame.loc[idcs].iloc[0].name else: obj_idcs = input_index # # Not entry found # if len(obj_idcs) > 1: # raise LiMe_Error(f'Multiple observations match the input id: {obj_idcs}') # Load the LiMe object output = self.load_function(self.frame, obj_idcs, self.file_address, **self.load_params) return output def get_spectrum(self, idx): if isinstance(idx, pd.Series): idx_true = self.frame.loc[idx].index if idx_true.size > 1: raise LiMe_Error(f'Input sample spectrum extraction has more than one existing entry') idx_in = self.frame.loc[idx_true].index.values[0] else: idx_in = idx return self.load_function(self.frame, idx_in, self.file_address, **self.load_params) @property def index(self): return self.frame.index @property def loc(self): return self.frame.loc @property def ids(self): return self.frame.index.get_level_values('id') @property def files(self): return self.frame.index.get_level_values('file') @property def lines(self): return self.frame.index.get_level_values('line') @property def size(self): return self.frame.index.size def load_frame(self, dataframe, ext='LINESFRAME', sample_levels=['id', 'line']): # Load the log file if it is a log file log_df = check_file_dataframe(dataframe, pd.DataFrame, ext=ext, sample_levels=sample_levels) # Security checks: if log_df.index.size > 0: if self.units_wave is not None: line_list = log_df.index.values # Get the first line in the log line_0 = Line.from_log(line_list[0], log_df, norm_flux=self.norm_flux) # Confirm the lines in the log match the one of the spectrum # TODO we need something more advance for the line_0 units # if line_0.units_wave != self.units_wave: # _logger.warning(f'Different units in the spectrum dispersion ({self.units_wave}) axis and the ' # f' lines log in {line_0.units_wave}') # Confirm all the log lines have the same units same_units_check = np.flatnonzero(np.core.defchararray.find(line_list.astype(str), line_0.units_wave) != -1).size == line_list.size if not same_units_check: _logger.warning(f'The log has lines with different units') else:'Log file with 0 entries ({dataframe})') # Assign the log self.frame = log_df return def save_frame(self, fname, ext='LINESFRAME', param_list='all', fits_header=None): # Save the file save_frame(fname, self.frame, ext, param_list, fits_header) return def extract_fluxes(self, flux_type='mixture', sample_level='line', column_names='line_flux', column_positions=1): return extract_fluxes(self.frame, flux_type, sample_level, column_names, column_positions) def normalize_fluxes(self, normalization_line, flux_entries=['line_flux', 'line_flux_err'], column_names=None, column_positions=[1, 2]): return normalize_fluxes(self.frame, normalization_line, flux_entries, column_names, column_positions) def _review_df_indexes(self): # Check there is a log check = False if self.frame is None:'Sample does not contain observations') # Check there is load function elif self.load_function is None:'The sample does not contain a load_function') # Check there is a 'file' index elif 'id' not in self.frame.index.names:'The sample log does not contain an "id" index column the observation label') # Check there is a 'file' index elif 'file' not in self.frame.index.names:'The sample log does not contain a "file" index column with the observation file') else: check = True return check
class ObsManager(OpenFits): def __init__(self, file_address, file_source, lime_object, load_function=None, **kwargs): # Initialize the .fits reading class OpenFits.__init__(self, file_address, file_source, lime_object, load_function) # Define attribute self.spectrum_check = False self.load_function = None self.user_params = None # Store the user arguments for the spectra self.user_params = kwargs # State the type of spectra if file_source is None: self.spectrum_check = True else: self.spectrum_check = True if self.source in list(SPECTRUM_FITS_PARAMS.keys()) else False # Assign input load function if load_function is not None: self.load_function = load_function # Assign the elif (file_source is not None) and (self.fits_reader is not None): self.load_function = self.default_file_parser # No load function nor instrument else: raise LiMe_Error(f'To create a Sample object you need to provide "load_function" or provide a "instrument" ' f'supported by LiMe') return def load_function(self, file_spec, log_df=None, id_spec=None, **kwargs): default_args = self.fits_reader(file_spec) if self.fits_reader is not None else {} user_args = self.user_params if self.user_params is not None else {} # Recover the user params user_args = user_args if user_args is not None else self.user_params # Update with the default arguments default_args = {**default_args, **user_args} # Run the load function load_function_output = self.load_function(file_spec, log_df, id_spec, **default_args) # Proceed to create LiMe object if necessary if isinstance(load_function_output, dict): obs_args = {**default_args, **load_function_output} obs = Spectrum(**obs_args) if self.spectrum_check else Cube(**obs_args) else: obs = load_function_output return obs def default_file_parser(self, log_df=None, id_spec=None, **kwargs): file_spec = self.id_spec[log_df.index.names.index('file')] fits_args = self.fits_reader(file_spec) return fits_args