%matplotlib widget

4) IFU spatial masking

In this tutorial, we shall perform a pre-analysis of an IFU (Integral Field Unit) cube. These data sets provide both spatial and spectroscopic information of astronomical bodies.

The workflow for an IFU observation is very similar to the one we saw in the previous tutorials for long-slit spectra. However, in order to preserve the spatial information and to maximise the quality of the measurements, it is recommended to use spatial masks. These provide two advantages: * In most cases, the scientific data does not cover full IFU field of view. To maximise your time and the computational resources, the non-scientific/noisy regions should be excluded from the analysis. * In resolved observations, the phenomena responsible for the observed radiation do not remain constant. This means that the properties of the emission lines can vary dramatically in a few spaxels. Consequently, your fittings should adapt to thi*s spatial behaviour. Binary masks provide the means to personalise LiMe fittings.

This tutorial can found as a script and a notebook on the examples folder. The observation itself, you will need to download it from the MANGA survey. The galaxy we shall study is SHOC579, a compact galaxy with an intense star forming region:

Let’s start by downloading one IFU data cube from the MANGA survey. In this tutorial, we will analyze SHOC579, a compact galaxy with an intense star forming region:

SHOC579 MANGA field

Loading the data

import urllib.request
from astropy.io import fits
from pathlib import Path
from astropy.wcs import WCS
from sys import stdout
import lime
# Web address and save file location
cube_url = 'https://data.sdss.org/sas/dr17/manga/spectro/redux/v3_1_1/8626/stack/manga-8626-12704-LOGCUBE.fits.gz'
cube_address = Path('../sample_data/spectra/manga-8626-12704-LOGCUBE.fits.gz')

The following command will download the IFU datacube if it isn’t already in the sample_data folder. This may take some time. To keep a better track of the process you can use the cube_url web link to manually download the cube and place it on the sample_data folder,

# Function to display the download progress on the terminal
def progress_bar(count, block_size, total_size):
    percent = int(count * block_size * 100 / total_size)
    stdout.write("\rDownloading...%d%%" % percent)

# Download the cube file if not available (this may take some time)
if cube_address.is_file() is not True:
    urllib.request.urlretrieve(cube_url, cube_address, reporthook=progress_bar)
    print(" Download complete!")
    print('Observation found in folder')
Observation found in folder

We are going to open the .fits file and load the wavelength and flux

# Load the configuration file:
cfgFile = '../sample_data/manga.toml'
obs_cfg = lime.load_cfg(cfgFile)

# Observation properties
z_obj = obs_cfg['SHOC579']['redshift']
norm_flux = obs_cfg['SHOC579']['norm_flux']

# Open the MANGA cube fits file
with fits.open(cube_address) as hdul:
    wave = hdul['WAVE'].data
    flux_cube = hdul['FLUX'].data * norm_flux
    hdr = hdul['FLUX'].header

LiMe includes several tools to display IFU data. To include the spatial coordinates on these plots you need to import the World Coordinates System WCS from your .fits file header. This can be done using astropy WCS class:

# Declaring the world coordinate system from the header to display on the plots
wcs = WCS(hdr)
WARNING: FITSFixedWarning: PLATEID = 8626 / Current plate
a string value was expected. [astropy.wcs.wcs]
WARNING: FITSFixedWarning: 'datfix' made the change 'Set MJD-OBS to 57277.000000 from DATE-OBS'. [astropy.wcs.wcs]

At this point we can define a LiMe Cube object for our observation:

# Define a LiMe cube object
shoc579 = lime.Cube(wave, flux_cube, redshift=z_obj, norm_flux=norm_flux, wcs=wcs)

From this object, we can access the functions to fit and plot the data. For example, we can use the .plot.cube to spatially plot the spatial flux of a spectral band:

# Check the spaxels interactively
shoc579.plot.cube(6563, line_fg=4363)
/home/vital/PycharmProjects/lime/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/astropy/visualization/wcsaxes/core.py:254: UserWarning: Log scale: values of z <= 0 have been masked
  cset = super().contour(*args, **kwargs)

In the previous function the first argument (line) specifies the band for the plot background. Since we specified a wavelength LiMe got the closest band from the default database (in this case H\alpha). Moreover, we included the flux percentiles for the [OIII]4363Å line. You can adjust the limit flux percentile for the background image and the intensity contours using the min_pctl_bg and cont_pctls_fg argumetns. The user can also specify a percentile_bg for the lowest flux limit. For example:

shoc579.plot.cube('H1_6563A', line_fg='H1_6563A', min_pctl_bg=80, cont_pctls_fg=[80, 90, 95, 99])
/home/vital/PycharmProjects/lime/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/astropy/visualization/wcsaxes/core.py:254: UserWarning: Log scale: values of z <= 0 have been masked
  cset = super().contour(*args, **kwargs)

In this case, we chose H\alpha for both the background image and the contours. You may notice that both the background image and purple contour match at the minimum 80th percentile flux.

From these contours, you are likely to conclude that there are two star-forming clusters. You should, however, inspect the spectra at these regions. You can do this interactively with the .check.cube function:

# Manually add/remove spaxels to the spatial mask
shoc579.check.cube('H1_6563A', line_fg='O3_4363A')
/home/vital/PycharmProjects/lime/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/astropy/visualization/wcsaxes/core.py:254: UserWarning: Log scale: values of z <= 0 have been masked
  cset = super().contour(*args, **kwargs)

On the right-hand side of the new plot, you have the spectrum corresponding to the spaxel with the red cross. You can change the active spaxel with a right-clik on the left-hand side plot.

Inspecting the lower region on the IFU field of view, this radiation does not correspond to SHOC579 but an old galaxy. Consequently, the flux percentiles in this region are not mapping the ionized emission from the [OIII]4363Å transition but the continuum from stellar atmospheres.

For a more detailed analysis, we can use the .spatial_masker to generate a binary mask. By default, these masks are generated based in the bands flux intensity (as in the case of the .plot.cube). However, we can also select a param="SN_line" and param="SN_cont" to compute the masks from the line and continuum signal-to-noise respectively. Let’s try the former:

# Generate a spatial mask as a function of the band flux
# Generate a spatial mask as a function of the signal to noise
spatial_mask = '../sample_data/SHOC579_mask.fits'
shoc579.spatial_masking('O3_4363A', param='SN_line', contour_pctls=[93, 96, 99], output_address=spatial_mask)
/home/vital/PycharmProjects/lime/src/lime/observations.py:1082: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  param_image = (np.sqrt(2 * n_pixels * np.pi) / 6) * (Amp_image / std_image)

We can visualize this mask using the .plot.cube function:

shoc579.plot.cube('H1_6563A', masks_file=spatial_mask)

Using this criterium, the masks are now constrained to the star-forming burst. You can adjust the mapping and number of masks using the percentiles argument. In some cases, however, this is not enough. For a more meticulous analysis, you can load this mask with the .check.cube function:

# Manually add/remove spaxels to the spatial mask
shoc579.check.cube('H1_6563A', masks_file=spatial_mask)

In the new plot, you can can select the masks available within the spatial_mask file we generated before. If you left double-click on a spaxel it will be added to the current mask if it was not (by default this spaxel will be removed from its previous mask). Otherwise, if the spaxel was already on the current mask, it will be removed from the selection.

You can use this manual selection, for example, to generate masks with certain lines o profiles. This will be very usefull for the fittings in the next tutorial.