%matplotlib ipympl

2) Line bands interative inspection

In the previous tutorial, we measured one line from the OSIRIS spectrum of the galaxy GP121903. Before analyzing the full spectrum, however, it is recommended to confirm the presence of lines.

In this tutorial, we are going to compare LiMe lines database with the emission features observed in this spectrum. To do that we are going to use the Spectrum.check.bands function to iteratively adjust the observed bands to our observation.

If you are using a jupyter notebook, it is easier to use the %matplotlib ql backend at the top of your notebook, for a better iteration with your plots.

You can download this spectrum from the examples/sample_data. This tutorial can found as a script and a notebook on the examples folder.

Loading the data

Let’s start by importing the script packages and declaring the data location:

import numpy as np
from astropy.io import fits
from pathlib import Path
from IPython.display import Image, display
import lime
# State the scientific data
obsFitsFile = '../sample_data/spectra/gp121903_osiris.fits'
z_obj = 0.19531
norm_flux = 1e-18

In the first tutorial, we opened the observation using the standard aproach with astropy. This time we are going to use LiMe functions to read fits files:

gp_spec = lime.Spectrum.from_file(obsFitsFile, instrument='osiris', redshift=z_obj, norm_flux=norm_flux)

From the lime.Spectrum objects we can access the .fit, .plot and .check attributes which organize most of the object functions. For example to plot the spectrum:


Before measuring the lines, we need to provide their bands. LiMe includes a database, which the user can find via the lime.line_bands function:

bands_df = lime.line_bands()
wavelength wave_vac w1 w2 w3 w4 w5 w6 latex_label units_wave particle transition rel_int
H1_1215A 1215.1108 1215.6699 1100.0 1150.0 1195.00000 1230.000000 1250.0 1300.0 H1-$1215\mathring{A}$ Angstrom H1 rec 0
C4_1548A 1547.6001 1548.1870 1400.0 1450.0 1530.00000 1565.000000 1600.0 1650.0 C4-$1548\mathring{A}$ Angstrom C4 rec 0
He2_1640A 1639.7896 1640.3913 1600.0 1630.0 1635.00000 1645.000000 1700.0 1750.0 He2-$1640\mathring{A}$ Angstrom He2 rec 0
O3_1666A 1665.5438 1666.1500 1600.0 1630.0 1660.00000 1680.000000 1700.0 1750.0 O3-$1666\mathring{A}$ Angstrom O3 col 0
C3_1908A 1908.0803 1908.7340 1870.0 1895.0 1898.18782 1912.243544 1930.0 1950.0 C3-$1908\mathring{A}$ Angstrom C3 sem 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
H1_37395A 37394.7903 37405.5500 37365.0 37385.0 37395.00000 37415.000000 37425.0 37440.0 H1-$37395\mathring{A}$ Angstrom H1 rec 0
H1_40511A 40511.0344 40522.6900 40490.0 40500.0 40510.00000 40535.000000 40550.0 40570.0 H1-$40511\mathring{A}$ Angstrom H1 rec 0
H1_46524A 46524.3554 46537.7400 46510.0 46515.0 46534.00000 46546.000000 46555.0 46575.0 H1-$46524\mathring{A}$ Angstrom H1 rec 0
S4_105075A 105074.7773 105105.0000 104700.0 104900.0 105000.00000 105200.000000 105300.0 105500.0 S4-$105075\mathring{A}$ Angstrom S4 col 0
S3_187076A 187076.1931 187130.0000 186700.0 186900.0 187100.00000 187160.000000 187200.0 187300.0 S3-$187076\mathring{A}$ Angstrom S3 col 0

86 rows × 13 columns

The default database covers lines from the ultraviolet to the far infrared. It is more practical to adjust this database to your observational range. You can use your wavelength range lime.Spectrum in the lime.line_bands function (or wavelength limits) to constrain the output lines:

bands_df = lime.line_bands(wave_intvl=gp_spec)
wavelength wave_vac w1 w2 w3 w4 w5 w6 latex_label units_wave particle transition rel_int
Ne5_3426A 3426.0000 3426.0000 3390.000000 3410.000000 3420.000000 3430.000000 3445.000000 3465.000000 Ne5-$3426\mathring{A}$ Angstrom Ne5 col 0
H1_3704A 3703.8013 3704.9132 3671.309441 3681.364925 3700.450000 3709.100000 3758.000000 3764.000000 H1-$3704\mathring{A}$ Angstrom H1 rec 0
O2_3726A 3726.0300 3727.1000 3665.750000 3694.260000 3716.020000 3743.700000 3754.880000 3767.500000 O2-$3726\mathring{A}$ Angstrom O2 col 0
O2_3729A 3728.8200 3729.8600 3665.750000 3694.260000 3716.020000 3743.700000 3754.880000 3767.500000 O2-$3729\mathring{A}$ Angstrom O2 col 0
H1_3750A 3750.0998 3751.2244 3664.503848 3675.720417 3746.433569 3756.674784 3775.220000 3792.040000 H1-$3750\mathring{A}$ Angstrom H1 rec 0
H1_3771A 3770.5779 3771.7081 3759.191222 3767.280375 3767.467189 3775.787336 3776.807987 3782.905843 H1-$3771\mathring{A}$ Angstrom H1 rec 0
H1_3798A 3797.8450 3798.9827 3780.949179 3792.078244 3793.707971 3803.676860 3807.127865 3816.774280 H1-$3798\mathring{A}$ Angstrom H1 rec 0
H1_3835A 3835.3309 3836.4789 3823.148476 3829.538777 3831.331855 3840.896149 3844.260000 3852.830000 H1-$3835\mathring{A}$ Angstrom H1 rec 0
Ne3_3869A 3868.7029 3869.8600 3848.429950 3858.099497 3862.724063 3876.597761 3895.538694 3910.048413 Ne3-$3869\mathring{A}$ Angstrom Ne3 col 0
H1_3889A 3888.9950 3890.1577 3842.087829 3861.282614 3880.390000 3899.420000 3905.000000 3950.000000 H1-$3889\mathring{A}$ Angstrom H1 rec 0
H1_3970A 3970.0170 3971.2020 3945.566344 3957.862489 3962.153343 3976.592758 3979.317175 3989.942405 H1-$3970\mathring{A}$ Angstrom H1 rec 0
He1_4026A 4026.1340 4027.3345 4013.837737 4021.250734 4021.502052 4032.149534 4033.154014 4040.185370 He1-$4026\mathring{A}$ Angstrom He1 rec 0
S2_4069A 4068.5368 4069.7490 4058.171690 4064.665875 4065.093604 4073.198887 4080.376366 4086.974251 S2-$4069\mathring{A}$ Angstrom S2 col 0
H1_4102A 4101.6777 4102.8991 4084.633589 4093.799103 4095.935564 4108.433334 4110.113141 4119.294537 H1-$4102\mathring{A}$ Angstrom H1 rec 0
H1_4340A 4340.4035 4341.6910 4322.549217 4332.509864 4333.660230 4347.675999 4350.262697 4360.488238 H1-$4340\mathring{A}$ Angstrom H1 rec 0
O3_4363A 4363.1421 4364.4360 4297.700000 4323.660000 4356.886082 4372.721331 4390.760000 4416.200000 O3-$4363\mathring{A}$ Angstrom O3 col 0
He1_4471A 4471.4164 4472.7404 4451.913360 4465.069336 4467.196330 4477.442236 4480.772156 4496.909458 He1-$4471\mathring{A}$ Angstrom He1 rec 0
Fe3_4658A 4658.0240 4659.4000 4637.507567 4650.238986 4653.613936 4666.293945 4669.709024 4679.097970 Fe3-$4658\mathring{A}$ Angstrom Fe3 col 0
He2_4685A 4685.4956 4686.8793 4663.804252 4678.301808 4681.274066 4691.509985 4718.751912 4733.650293 He2-$4685\mathring{A}$ Angstrom He2 rec 0
Ar4_4711A 4711.1891 4712.5800 4664.639652 4680.894598 4707.992152 4720.882185 4723.932671 4738.660669 Ar4-$4711\mathring{A}$ Angstrom Ar4 col 0
Ar4_4740A 4740.0511 4741.4500 4605.870000 4635.300000 4731.467840 4748.658238 4757.090000 4776.100000 Ar4-$4740\mathring{A}$ Angstrom Ar4 col 0
H1_4861A 4861.2582 4862.6910 4809.800000 4836.100000 4848.715437 4876.181741 4883.130000 4908.400000 H1-$4861\mathring{A}$ Angstrom H1 rec 0
He1_4922A 4921.8552 4923.3050 4905.736141 4916.176415 4917.632529 4928.081261 4930.590000 4939.710000 He1-$4922\mathring{A}$ Angstrom He1 rec 0
O3_4959A 4958.8348 4960.2950 4929.281844 4946.732665 4948.310671 4970.712011 4972.820372 4984.416360 O3-$4959\mathring{A}$ Angstrom O3 col 0
O3_5007A 5006.7664 5008.2400 4971.796688 4984.514249 4995.348943 5024.303156 5027.743260 5043.797081 O3-$5007\mathring{A}$ Angstrom O3 col 0
N2_5755A 5754.6400 5755.0000 5700.000000 5720.000000 5745.000000 5765.000000 5800.000000 5820.000000 N2-$5755\mathring{A}$ Angstrom N2 col 0
He1_5876A 5875.5250 5877.2433 5845.715833 5865.712378 5867.148419 5885.578291 5888.378245 5901.854752 He1-$5876\mathring{A}$ Angstrom He1 rec 0
O1_6300A 6300.2076 6302.0460 6282.963147 6293.637954 6294.754436 6307.155360 6319.711710 6327.945925 O1-$6300\mathring{A}$ Angstrom O1 col 0
S3_6312A 6311.9682 6313.8100 6280.559495 6295.351299 6307.225753 6319.552583 6321.428405 6328.663719 S3-$6312\mathring{A}$ Angstrom S3 col 0
N2_6548A 6547.9514 6549.8600 6480.030000 6520.660000 6540.100000 6555.950000 6627.700000 6661.820000 N2-$6548\mathring{A}$ Angstrom N2 col 0
H1_6563A 6562.7192 6564.6320 6480.030000 6520.660000 6545.100000 6575.950000 6627.700000 6661.820000 H1-$6563\mathring{A}$ Angstrom H1 rec 0
N2_6583A 6583.3513 6585.2700 6480.030000 6520.660000 6575.100000 6590.950000 6627.700000 6661.820000 N2-$6583\mathring{A}$ Angstrom N2 col 0
He1_6678A 6678.0500 6679.9955 6659.110795 6670.102081 6670.734647 6688.067396 6689.800671 6698.178167 He1-$6678\mathring{A}$ Angstrom He1 rec 0
S2_6716A 6716.3386 6718.2950 6686.785257 6706.310255 6707.458647 6725.466528 6744.438091 6759.956250 S2-$6716\mathring{A}$ Angstrom S2 col 0
S2_6731A 6730.7135 6732.6740 6686.785257 6706.310255 6725.458647 6741.466528 6744.438091 6759.956250 S2-$6731\mathring{A}$ Angstrom S2 col 0
He1_7065A 7065.1078 7067.1633 7029.100000 7041.640000 7055.220000 7079.440000 7087.490000 7104.450000 He1-$7065\mathring{A}$ Angstrom He1 rec 0
Ar3_7136A 7135.6845 7137.7600 7099.804897 7122.016894 7129.546717 7145.645711 7149.984073 7166.354990 Ar3-$7136\mathring{A}$ Angstrom Ar3 col 0
O2_7319A 7318.8124 7320.9400 7294.873033 7310.151519 7311.373798 7338.569503 7340.444100 7357.066344 O2-$7319\mathring{A}$ Angstrom O2 col 0
O2_7330A 7329.5494 7331.6800 7294.873033 7310.151519 7311.373798 7338.569503 7340.444100 7357.066344 O2-$7330\mathring{A}$ Angstrom O2 col 0
Ar3_7751A 7750.9894 7753.2400 7731.458685 7743.423077 7744.234222 7759.848767 7759.955932 7770.429591 Ar3-$7751\mathring{A}$ Angstrom Ar3 col 0
H1_8392A 8392.2696 8394.7030 8378.449304 8387.961949 8388.394342 8398.627642 8398.730000 8409.950000 H1-$8392\mathring{A}$ Angstrom H1 rec 0
H1_8413A 8413.1907 8415.6300 8399.595403 8407.110952 8410.140000 8418.040000 8423.876407 8432.548195 H1-$8413\mathring{A}$ Angstrom H1 rec 0
H1_8438A 8437.8276 8440.2740 8396.910000 8408.320000 8432.872822 8443.316230 8452.150208 8464.463395 H1-$8438\mathring{A}$ Angstrom H1 rec 0
H1_8467A 8467.1263 8469.5810 8450.080000 8459.460000 8461.707801 8473.595713 8474.880000 8493.320000 H1-$8467\mathring{A}$ Angstrom H1 rec 0
H1_8502A 8502.3542 8504.8190 8474.500000 8491.730000 8499.235520 8509.640000 8511.060000 8533.050000 H1-$8502\mathring{A}$ Angstrom H1 rec 0
H1_8545A 8545.2540 8547.7310 8515.180000 8536.310000 8539.268883 8552.720348 8555.470000 8574.470000 H1-$8545\mathring{A}$ Angstrom H1 rec 0

In addition to the wavelength range, you can also constrain the output table based on a list of ionic species or specify the output units. Check the `line.bands documentation <https://lime-stable.readthedocs.io/en/latest/introduction/api.html#lime.line_bands>`__ to learn all the options available.

A bands dataframe/file consists in a table, where the line bands wavelength limits are stored space-separated columns. The first column has the line label (in the LiMe format). The w1, w2, w3, w4, w5 and w6 specify the bands edgets, sorted by increasing wavelengths, for the line location and two adjacent continua:


Please remember: The band wavelengths must be on the rest frame and sorted from lower to higher values. Finally, make sure that these wavelengths are in the same units as those from your spectrum.

We can save these bands using lime.save_log function:

# Save to a file (if it does not exist already)
bands_df_file = Path('../sample_data/GP121903_bands.txt')
if bands_df_file.is_file() is not True:
    lime.save_frame(bands_df_file, bands_df)

Running the Spectrum.check.bands function opens the interactive window:

# Review the bands file

There are several ways to interact with the plots in this grid: * Right-click on a line sub-plot will remove the line from the output bands file. This will switch the background color to red. * Middle-click on any plot will change the line label suffix on the output bands file. The options are blended (“_b”), merged (“_m”) and single (no suffix) lines. This will change line label the plot title correspondingly. * Left-click and drag allows you to change the bands limits.

In the lattest case, the line or continua bands selections depends on the initical click point. There are some caveats in the window selection: * The plot wavelength range is always 5 pixels beyond the mask bands. Therefore dragging the mouse beyond the mask limits (below w1 or above w6) will change the displayed range. This can be used to move beyond the original wavelength limits. * Selections between the w2 and w5 wavelength bands are always assigned to the line region mask as the new w3 and w4 values. * Due to the previous point, to increase/decrease the the w2 or w5 positions, the user must select a region between w1 and w3 or w4 and w6 respectively.

Each of these adjustments is stored in the input bands_file.

By default, the Spectrum.check.bands function compares the input bands file with the default bands database. Consequently, if you ran the script above again, you will still have your selection. You can provide your own database (file or dataframe) in the parent_bands attribute of the `Spectrum.check.bands function <https://lime-stable.readthedocs.io/en/latest/introduction/api.html#lime.plots_interactive.BandsInspection.bands>`__

At the bottom of the window you can find an slider with the Band (pixels). This slider moves all the bands simultaneously either towards the blue and red limits.

Finally, the Spectrum.check.bands function also gives you the oportunity to seet the effect of the spectrum redshift on the bands selection on a pixel bases and save the new value to a text file (or modify the existing value):

# Adding a redshift file address to store the variations in redshift
redshift_file = '../sample_data/redshift_log.txt'
redshift_file_header, object_ref = 'redshift', 'GP121903'
gp_spec.check.bands(bands_df_file, maximize=True, z_log_address=redshift_file, z_column=redshift_file_header,

The new redshift is stored to the output file but the original redshift of the lime.Spectrum does not change (this behaviour shall be changed in a future update).