Source code for

__all__ = [

import os
import configparser
import logging
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from . import Error
from sys import exit, stdout
from pathlib import Path
from distutils.util import strtobool
from import Sequence

from import fits
from .tables import table_fluxes
from . import Error

    import openpyxl
    openpyxl_check = True
    from openpyxl.utils.dataframe import dataframe_to_rows

except ImportError:
    openpyxl_check = False

    import asdf
    asdf_check = True
except ImportError:
    asdf_check = False

    import tomllib
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    import tomli as tomllib

    import toml
    toml_check = True
except ImportError:
    toml_check = False

_logger = logging.getLogger('LiMe')

# Reading file with the format and export status for the measurements
_LIME_FOLDER = Path(__file__).parent
_params_table_file = _LIME_FOLDER/'resources/types_params.txt'
_PARAMS_CONF_TABLE = pd.read_csv(_params_table_file, sep='\s+', header=0, index_col=0)

_LINES_DATABASE_FILE = _LIME_FOLDER/'resources/parent_bands.txt'
_CONF_FILE = _LIME_FOLDER/'config.toml'

# # Read lime configuration file
# with open(_CONF_FILE, mode="rb") as fp:
#     _cfg_lime = tomllib.load(fp)

# Dictionary with the parameter formart
_LOG_COLUMNS = dict(zip(_PARAMS_CONF_TABLE.index.values,
                        _PARAMS_CONF_TABLE.loc[:, 'Norm_by_flux':'dtype'].values))

# Parameters notation latex formatDictionary with the parameter formart
_LOG_COLUMNS_LATEX = dict(zip(_PARAMS_CONF_TABLE.index.values,
                          _PARAMS_CONF_TABLE.loc[:, 'latex_label'].values))

# Array with the parameters to be included in the output log
_LOG_EXPORT = _PARAMS_CONF_TABLE.loc[_PARAMS_CONF_TABLE.Export_log.to_numpy().astype(bool)].index.to_numpy()
_LOG_EXPORT_TYPES = _PARAMS_CONF_TABLE.loc[_PARAMS_CONF_TABLE.Export_log.to_numpy().astype(bool)].dtype.to_numpy()
_LOG_EXPORT_RECARR = np.dtype(list(_LOG_EXPORT_DICT.items()))

# Attributes from the profile fittings
_ATTRIBUTES_PROFILE = _PARAMS_CONF_TABLE.loc[_PARAMS_CONF_TABLE.Profile_attributes.to_numpy().astype(bool)].index.to_numpy()

# Attributes with measurements for log
_ATTRIBUTES_FIT = _PARAMS_CONF_TABLE.loc[_PARAMS_CONF_TABLE.Fit_attributes.to_numpy().astype(bool)].index.to_numpy()

# Dictionary with the parameter dtypes
_LOG_TYPES_DICT = dict(zip(_PARAMS_CONF_TABLE.index.to_numpy(),

# TODO replace this error with the one of .ini
class LiMe_Error(Exception):
    """LiMe exception function"""

def hdu_to_log_df(file_path, page_name):

    with as hdul:
        hdu_log = hdul[page_name].data

    df_log = pd.DataFrame.from_records(data=hdu_log, index='index')
    # # Change 'nan' to np.nan
    # if 'group_label' in df_log:
    #     idcs_nan_str = df_log['group_label'] == 'nan'
    #     df_log.loc[idcs_nan_str, 'group_label'] = np.nan

    # log_df =, page_name, character_as_bytes=False).to_pandas()
    # log_df.set_index('index', inplace=True)
    # # Change 'nan' to np.nan
    # if 'group_label' in log_df:
    #     idcs_nan_str = log_df['group_label'] == 'nan'
    #     log_df.loc[idcs_nan_str, 'group_label'] = np.nan

    return df_log

def parse_lime_cfg(toml_cfg, fit_cfg_suffix='_line_fitting'):

    # Convert the configuration entries from the string format if possible
    if fit_cfg_suffix is not None:
        for section, items in toml_cfg.items():
            if section.endswith(fit_cfg_suffix):
                for i_key, i_value in items.items():
                        toml_cfg[section][i_key] = format_option_value(i_value, i_key, section)
                        _logger.critical(f'Failure to convert entry: "{i_key} = {i_value}" at section [{section}] ')

    return toml_cfg

# Function to load SpecSyzer configuration file
[docs] def load_cfg(file_address, fit_cfg_suffix='_line_fitting'): """ This function reads a configuration file with the `toml format <>`_. The text file extension must adhere to this format specifications to be successfully read. If one of the file sections has the suffix specified by the ``fit_cfg_suffix`` this function will query its items and convert the entries to the format expected by `LiMe functions <>`_. The default suffix is "_line_fitting". The function will show a critical warning if it fails to convert an item in a ``fit_cfg_suffix`` section. :param file_address: Input configuration file address. :type file_address: str, pathlib.Path :param fit_cfg_suffix: Suffix for LiMe configuration sections. The default value is "_line_fitting". :type fit_cfg_suffix: str :return: Parsed configuration data :type: dict """ file_path = Path(file_address) # Open the file if file_path.is_file(): # Toml file with open(file_path, mode="rb") as fp: cfg_lime = tomllib.load(fp) else: raise LiMe_Error(f'The configuration file was not found at: {file_address}') # Convert the configuration entries from the string format if possible cfg_lime = parse_lime_cfg(cfg_lime, fit_cfg_suffix) return cfg_lime
# Function to save SpecSyzer configuration file def save_cfg(param_dict, output_file, section_name=None, clear_section=False): """ This function safes the input dictionary into a configuration file. If no section is provided the input dictionary overwrites the data """ # TODO for line_fitting/models save dictionaries as line output_path = Path(output_file) if output_path.suffix == '.toml': # TODO review convert numpy arrays and floats64 if toml_check: toml_str = toml.dumps(param_dict) with open(output_path, "w") as f: f.write(toml_str) else: raise LiMe_Error(f'toml library is not installed. Toml files cannot be saved') # Creating a new file (overwritting old if existing) else: if section_name == None: # Check all entries are dictionaries values_list = [*param_dict.values()] section_check = all(isinstance(x, dict) for x in values_list) assert section_check, f'ERROR: Dictionary for {output_file} cannot be converted to configuration file. Confirm all its values are dictionaries' output_cfg = configparser.ConfigParser() output_cfg.optionxform = str # Loop throught he sections and options to create the files for section_name, options_dict in param_dict.items(): output_cfg.add_section(section_name) for option_name, option_value in options_dict.items(): option_formatted = formatStringOutput(option_value, option_name, section_name) output_cfg.set(section_name, option_name, option_formatted) # Save to a text format with open(output_file, 'w') as f: output_cfg.write(f) # Updating old file else: # Confirm file exists file_check = os.path.isfile(output_file) # Load original cfg if file_check: output_cfg = configparser.ConfigParser() output_cfg.optionxform = str # Create empty cfg else: output_cfg = configparser.ConfigParser() output_cfg.optionxform = str # Clear section upon request if clear_section: if output_cfg.has_section(section_name): output_cfg.remove_section(section_name) # Add new section if it is not there if not output_cfg.has_section(section_name): output_cfg.add_section(section_name) # Map key values to the expected format and store them for option_name, option_value in param_dict.items(): option_formatted = formatStringOutput(option_value, option_name, section_name) output_cfg.set(section_name, option_name, option_formatted) # Save to a text file with open(output_file, 'w') as f: output_cfg.write(f) return
[docs] def load_frame(fname, page: str = 'FRAME', levels: list = ['id', 'line']): """ This function reads the input ``file_address`` as a pandas dataframe. The expected file types are ".txt", ".pdf", ".fits", ".asdf" and ".xlsx". The dataframes expected format is discussed on the `line bands <>`_ and `measurements <>`_ documentation. For ".fits" and ".xlsx" files the user can provide a page name ``ext`` for the HDU/sheet. The default name is "_LINELOG". To reconstruct a `MultiIndex dataframe <>`_ the user needs to specify the ``sample_levels``. :param fname: Lines frame file address. :type fname: str, Path :param page: Name of the HDU/sheet for ".fits"/".xlsx" files. The default value is "_LINELOG". :type page: str, optional :param levels: Indexes name list for MultiIndex dataframes. The default value is ['id', 'line']. :type levels: list, optional :return: lines log table :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ # Check file is at path if type(fname).__name__ != 'UploadedFile': log_path = Path(fname) if not log_path.is_file(): raise LiMe_Error(f'No lines log found at {fname}\n') file_name, file_type =, log_path.suffix else: file_name, file_type = fname, 'UploadedFile' try: # Fits file: if file_type == '.fits': log = hdu_to_log_df(log_path, page) # Excel table elif file_type in ['.xlsx' or '.xls']: log = pd.read_excel(log_path, sheet_name=page, header=0, index_col=0) # ASDF file elif file_type == '.asdf': with as af: log_RA = af[page] log = pd.DataFrame.from_records(log_RA, columns=log_RA.dtype.names) log.set_index('index', inplace=True) # # Change 'nan' to np.nan # idcs_nan_str = log['group_label'] == 'none' # log.loc[idcs_nan_str, 'group_label'] = None # Text file elif file_type == '.txt': log = pd.read_csv(log_path, sep='\s+', header=0, index_col=0, comment='#') # Uploaded file from streamlit elif file_type == 'UploadedFile': log = pd.read_csv(file_name, sep='\s+', header=0, index_col=0, comment='#') elif file_type == '.csv': log = pd.read_csv(log_path, sep=',', header=0, index_col=0, comment='#') else: _logger.warning(f'File type {file_type} is not recognized. This can cause issues reading the log.') log = pd.read_csv(log_path, sep='\s+', header=0, index_col=0) except ValueError as e: exit(f'\nERROR: LiMe could not open {file_type} file at {log_path}\n{e}') # Restore levels if multi-index if log.columns.isin(levels).sum() == len(levels): log.set_index(levels, inplace=True) return log
[docs] def save_frame(fname, dataframe, page='FRAME', parameters='all', header=None, column_dtypes=None, safe_version=True, **kwargs): """ This function saves the input ``dataframe`` at the ``fname`` provided by the user. The accepted extensions are ".txt", ".pdf", ".fits", ".asdf" and ".xlsx". For ".fits" and ".xlsx" files the user can provide a page name for the HDU/sheet with the ``ext`` argument. The default name is "FRAME". The user can specify the ``parameters`` to be saved in the output file. For ".fits" files the user can provide a dictionary to add to the ``fits_header``. The user can provide a ``column_dtypes`` string or dictionary for the output fits file record array. This overwrites LiMe deafult formatting and it must have the same columns as the file names. :param fname: Lines frame file address. :type fname: str, Path :param dataframe: Lines dataframe. :type dataframe: pandas.DataFrame :param parameters: Output parameters list. The default value is "all" :type parameters: list :param page: Name of the HDU/sheet for ".fits"/".xlsx" files. :type page: str, optional :param header: Dictionary for ".fits" and ".asdf" file headers. :type header: dict, optional :param column_dtypes: Conversion variable for the `records array <>`. for the output fits file. If a string or type, the data type to store all columns. If a dictionary, a mapping of column names and indices (zero-indexed) to specific data types. :type column_dtypes: str, dict, optional :param safe_version: Save LiMe version as footnote or page header on the output log. The default value is True. :type safe_version: bool, optional """ # Confirm file path exits log_path = Path(fname) assert log_path.parent.exists(), LiMe_Error(f'- ERROR: Output lines log folder not found: {log_path.parent}') file_name, file_type =, log_path.suffix if len(dataframe.index) > 0: # In case of multi-index dataframe if isinstance(dataframe.index, pd.MultiIndex): log = dataframe.reset_index() else: log = dataframe # Slice the log if the user provides a list of columns if parameters != 'all': if isinstance(dataframe.index, pd.MultiIndex): parameters_list = np.atleast_1d(list(dataframe.index.names) + list(parameters)) else: parameters_list = np.atleast_1d(parameters) lines_log = log[parameters_list] else: lines_log = log # Default txt log with the complete information if file_type == '.txt': with open(log_path, 'wb') as output_file: pd.set_option('multi_sparse', False) string_DF = lines_log.to_string() # Add meta params for key, value in kwargs.items(): string_DF += f'\n#{key}:{value}' output_file.write(string_DF.encode('UTF-8')) # CSV elif file_type == '.csv': with open(log_path, 'wb') as output_file: pd.set_option('multi_sparse', False) string_DF = lines_log.to_csv(sep=',', na_rep='NaN') # Add meta params for key, value in kwargs.items(): string_DF += f'\n#{key}:{value}' output_file.write(string_DF.encode('UTF-8')) # Pdf fluxes table elif file_type == '.pdf': table_fluxes(lines_log, log_path.parent / log_path.stem, header_format_latex=_LOG_COLUMNS_LATEX, lines_notation=log.latex_label.values, **kwargs) # Log in a fits format elif file_type == '.fits': if isinstance(lines_log, pd.DataFrame): # Initiate the header header = {} if header is None else header # Add the meta parameters for key, value in kwargs.items(): header[key] = value lineLogHDU = log_to_HDU(lines_log, ext_name=page, column_dtypes=column_dtypes, header_dict=header) if log_path.is_file(): # TODO this strategy is slow for many inputs try: fits.update(log_path,, header=lineLogHDU.header,, verify=True) except KeyError: fits.append(log_path,, header=lineLogHDU.header, else: hdul = fits.HDUList([fits.PrimaryHDU(), lineLogHDU]) hdul.writeto(log_path, overwrite=True, output_verify='fix') # Log in excel format elif file_type == '.xlsx' or file_type == '.xls': # Check openpyxl is installed else leave if openpyxl_check: # New excel if not log_path.is_file(): with pd.ExcelWriter(log_path) as writer: lines_log.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=page) if len(kwargs) > 0: sheet_name = f'LiMe_{kwargs["LiMe"]}' df_empty = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(kwargs, orient='index', columns=['values']) df_empty.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=sheet_name, index=True) # Updating existing file else: wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(log_path) # Remove if existing and create anew if page in wb.sheetnames: wb.remove(wb[page]) sheet = wb.create_sheet(page, index=0) # Add data one row at a time for i, row in enumerate(dataframe_to_rows(lines_log, index=True, header=True)): if len(row) > 1: # TOFIX Remove the frozen list logic sheet.append(row) # Save the data else: _logger.critical(f'openpyxl is not installed. Lines log {fname} could not be saved') # Advance Scientific Storage Format elif file_type == '.asdf': # TODO review this one and add the metadata tree = {page: lines_log.to_records(index=True, column_dtypes=_LOG_TYPES_DICT, index_dtypes='<U50')} # Create new file if not log_path.is_file(): af = asdf.AsdfFile(tree) af.write_to(log_path) # Update file else: with, mode='rw') as af: af.tree.update(tree) af.update() # Extension not recognised else: raise LiMe_Error(f'output extension "{file_type}" was not recognised for file {log_path}') # Empty log else:'The output log has no measurements. An output file will not be saved') return
def results_to_log(line, log, norm_flux): # Loop through the line components for i, comp in enumerate(line.list_comps): # Add bands wavelengths[comp, 'w1'] = line.mask[0][comp, 'w2'] = line.mask[1][comp, 'w3'] = line.mask[2][comp, 'w4'] = line.mask[3][comp, 'w5'] = line.mask[4][comp, 'w6'] = line.mask[5] # Treat every line for j in _RANGE_ATTRIBUTES_FIT: param = _ATTRIBUTES_FIT[j] param_value = line.__getattribute__(param) # Get component parameter if _LOG_COLUMNS[param][3] and (param_value is not None): param_value = param_value[i] # De-normalize if _LOG_COLUMNS[param][0]: if param_value is not None: param_value = param_value * norm_flux # Just string for particle if j == 7: param_value = param_value.label # Converting None entries to str (9 = group_label) if j == 9: if param_value is None: param_value = 'none'[comp, param] = param_value return def check_file_dataframe(df_variable, variable_type, ext='FRAME', sample_levels=['id', 'line'], copy_input=True): if isinstance(df_variable, variable_type): if copy_input: output = df_variable.copy() else: output = df_variable elif isinstance(df_variable, (str, Path)): input_path = Path(df_variable) if input_path.is_file(): output = load_frame(df_variable, page=ext, levels=sample_levels) else: _logger.warning(f'Lines bands file not found at {df_variable}') output = None else: output = df_variable return output def check_fit_conf(fit_conf, default_key, group_key, group_list=None, fit_cfg_suffix='_line_fitting'): # Check that there is an input configuration if fit_conf is not None: # Check if we have a file if not isinstance(fit_conf, dict): input_cfg = load_cfg(fit_conf, fit_cfg_suffix) else: input_cfg = fit_conf.copy() # If requested, check that the group/mask configurations are there if group_list is not None: for mask_name in group_list: mask_fit_cfg = input_cfg.get(f'{mask_name}_line_fitting') missing_mask = False if mask_fit_cfg is not None: if mask_fit_cfg.get('bands') is None: missing_mask = True else: missing_mask = True if missing_mask: error_message = 'No input "bands" provided. In this case you need to include the \n' \ f'you need to specify an "bands=log_file_address" entry the ' \ f'"[{mask_name}_file]" of your fitting configuration file' raise LiMe_Error(error_message) # Recover the configuration expected for the object default_cfg = input_cfg.get(f'{default_key}_line_fitting') if default_key is not None else None mask_cfg = input_cfg.get(f'{group_key}_line_fitting') if group_key is not None else None # Case there are not leveled entries if (default_cfg is None) and (mask_cfg is None): output_cfg = input_cfg # Proceed to update the levels else: # Default configuration output_cfg = {} if default_cfg is None else default_cfg default_detect = output_cfg.get('line_detection') # Mask conf mask_conf = {} if mask_cfg is None else mask_cfg mask_detect = mask_conf.get('line_detection') # Update the levels output_cfg = {**output_cfg, **mask_conf} # If no line detection don't add it if mask_detect is not None: output_cfg['line_detection'] = mask_detect elif default_detect is not None: output_cfg['line_detection'] = default_detect else: pass else: output_cfg = {} return output_cfg _parent_bands_file = Path(__file__).parent/'resources/parent_bands.txt' _PARENT_BANDS = load_frame(_parent_bands_file) def check_numeric_value(s): # Function to check if variable can be converte to float else leave as string try: output = float(s) return output except ValueError: return s # Function to map a string to its variable-type def format_option_value(entry_value, key_label, section_label='', float_format=None, nan_format='nan'): output_variable = entry_value # Dictionary blended lines if isinstance(entry_value, str): output_variable = {} try: keys_and_values = entry_value.split(',') for pair in keys_and_values: # Conversion for parameter class atributes if ':' in pair: key, value = pair.split(':') if value == 'None': output_variable[key] = None elif key in ['value', 'min', 'max']: output_variable[key] = float(value) elif key == 'vary': output_variable[key] = strtobool(value) == 1 else: output_variable[key] = value elif '_mask' in key_label: output_variable = entry_value # Conversion for non-parameter class atributes (only str conversion possible) else: output_variable = check_numeric_value(entry_value) except: raise LiMe_Error(f'Failure to convert configuration entry: {key_label} = {entry_value} in section {section_label}') return output_variable def log_parameters_calculation(input_log, parameter_list, formulae_list): # Load the log if necessary file: file_check = False if isinstance(input_log, pd.DataFrame): log_df = input_log elif isinstance(input_log, (str, Path)): file_check = True log_df = load_frame(input_log) else: _logger.critical( f'Not a recognize log format. Please use a pandas dataframe or a string/Path object for file {input_log}') exit(1) # Parse the combined expression expr = '' for col, formula in zip(parameter_list, formulae_list): expr += f'{col}={formula}\n' # Compute the new parameters log_df.eval(expr=expr, inplace=True) # Save to the previous location if file_check: save_frame(log_df, input_log) return def log_to_HDU(log, ext_name=None, column_dtypes=None, header_dict=None): # For non empty logs if not log.empty: if column_dtypes is None: column_dtypes = _LOG_TYPES_DICT if header_dict is None: header_dict = {} linesSA = log.to_records(index=True, column_dtypes=column_dtypes, index_dtypes='<U50') linesCol = fits.ColDefs(linesSA) hdr = fits.Header(header_dict) if isinstance(header_dict, dict) else header_dict linesHDU = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(linesCol, name=ext_name, header=hdr) # Empty log else: linesHDU = None return linesHDU def formatStringOutput(value, key, section_label=None, float_format=None, nan_format='nan'): # TODO this one should be the default option # TODO add more cases for dicts # Check None entry if value is not None: # Check string entry if isinstance(value, str): formatted_value = value else: # Case of an array scalarVariable = True if isinstance(value, (Sequence, np.ndarray)): # Confirm is not a single value array if len(value) == 1: value = value[0] # Case of an array else: scalarVariable = False formatted_value = ','.join([str(item) for item in value]) if scalarVariable: # Case single float if isinstance(value, str): formatted_value = value else: if np.isnan(value): formatted_value = nan_format else: formatted_value = str(value) else: formatted_value = 'None' return formatted_value # def progress_bar(i, i_max, post_text, n_bar=10): # # # Size of progress bar # j = i/i_max # stdout.write('\r') # message = f"[{'=' * int(n_bar * j):{n_bar}s}] {int(100 * j)}% {post_text}" # stdout.write(message) # stdout.flush() # # return def load_spatial_mask(mask_file, mask_list=None, return_coords=False): # Masks array container spatial_mask_dict = {} # Limit the analysis to some masks mask_list_check = False if mask_list is None else True # Check that mask is there: if mask_file is not None: mask_file = Path(mask_file) if mask_file.is_file(): with as maskHDULs: # Save the fits data to restore later counter = 0 for HDU in maskHDULs: ext_name = if != 'PRIMARY': if mask_list_check: if ext_name in mask_list: spatial_mask_dict[ext_name] = ('bool'), HDU.header) counter += 1 else: spatial_mask_dict[ext_name] = ('bool'), HDU.header) counter += 1 # Warn if the mask file does not contain any of the expected masks if counter == 0: _logger.warning(f'No masks extensions were found in file {mask_file}') else: _logger.warning(f'No mask file was found at {mask_file.as_posix()}.') # Return the mask as a set of coordinates (no headers) if return_coords: for mask_name, mask_data in spatial_mask_dict.items(): idcs_spaxels = np.argwhere(mask_data[0]) spatial_mask_dict[mask_name] = idcs_spaxels return spatial_mask_dict def check_file_array_mask(var, mask_list=None): # Check if file if isinstance(var, (str, Path)): input = Path(var) if input.is_file(): mask_dict = load_spatial_mask(var, mask_list) else: raise Error(f'No spatial mask file at {Path(var).as_posix()}') # Array elif isinstance(var, (np.ndarray, list)): # Re-adjust the variable var = np.ndarray(var, ndmin=3) masks_array = np.squeeze(np.array_split(var, var.shape[0], axis=0)) # Confirm boolean array if masks_array.dtype != bool: _logger.warning(f'The input mask array should have a boolean variables (True/False)') # Incase user gives a str mask_list = [mask_list] if isinstance(mask_list, str) else mask_list # Check if there is a mask list if len(mask_list) == 0: mask_list = [f'SPMASK{i}' for i in range(masks_array.shape[0])] # Case the number of masks names and arrays is different elif masks_array.shape[0] != len(mask_list): _logger.warning(f'The number of input spatial mask arrays is different than the number of mask names') # Everything is fine else: mask_list = mask_list # Create mask dict with empty headers mask_dict = dict(zip(mask_list, (masks_array, {}))) else: raise Error(f'Input mask format {type(input)} is not recognized for a mask file. Please declare a fits file, a' f' numpy array or a list/array of numpy arrays') return mask_dict